Newspaper front pages about teenagers.

Front pages about teenagers

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Daily Mail-The Headline on the front cover of this newspaper, can be taken in two perspectives, as the headline could mean that the teenagers are too young to be answering 'Life and death' calls. This may suggest that teenagers would not be able to do this work as sufficiently as 'adults'. The headline could also mean that the teenagers should be praised for answering 'life and death' calls, as it isn't very easy! Teenagers are usually stereotyped as being untrustworthy and irresponsible, this however shows them in a positive light.

The Guardian- The front cover of this newspaper is about children who have gone on a 'strike' and are roaming around the streets. The headline isn't against teenagers and they do not blame the children for what is happening. The Daily mail wouldn't have done a story based on this,as it isn't very interesting and it doesn't affect as many people, as a celebrity death, or a terrorist attack.

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Daily Mail- The Front cover of this of the newspaper is about girls that ran away to become Jihadi Brides. The word 'School' suggests that the girls were too young to be making their own decisions which shows that they did not think about what they were getting into, This presents the girls in a bad light. They also did not blur out the girls faces, which suggests that there was no consideration for each of the girls identity or their families.

The Guardian- The front cover of this newspaper is about jihadis that may have to face a ban from Britain. The guardian hasn't put the blame on any individuals, where as the daily mail has 'blamed' the teenagers for their actions, and also the school where all of them were from. The guardian doesn't exaggerate the headline.

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Daily Mail-The front cover of this newspaper is about a teenage boy who killed a grandmother whilst he was on drugs. The stereotype of teenagers being aggressive and irresponsible are shown, which puts other teenagers in a bad light. It is aggressive as he stabbed the woman multiple times, because he heard voices in his head (from the video game grand theft auto), irresponible as he took the drug knowing the risks and also played the video game whilst he was underage.

The Guardian- 'Four teenagers stabbed to death in England in less than a week'
This newspaper story is about the rising number of teenagers who are being killed in Britain. Their story isn't 

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Daily Mail- The headline on this newspaper 'teen idol' suggests that he was young and also many people looked up to celebrities like him, even if they are not always doing the right things. The words 'Drug-fueled' suggests that he was irresponsible and his fans/people may copy him and think that what he is doing right. The newspaper also used words like 'super car' which teenage boys are stereo typically obsessed with.

The Guardian-  This article is about whether teenagers would 'survive without social media'. The headline suggests that all teenagers are obsessed with social media, and that they wouldn't be able to survive without it.


Daily Mail- The front cover of this newspaper is about a flu hotline being run by 16 year olds. This shows that teenagers are capable of helping people just as much as adults are. Stereotypes of teenagers usually makes people believe that they will not do a good job as they are  irresponsible, however this puts them in a positive light.

The Guardian- This front page is about preparing teenagers for work, whilst they are still in education. It also suggests ways to help teenagers to improve skills. The daily mail wouldn’t have used the same approach as the guardian, as the daily mail is more biased.


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