Representation of gender in text
Representation of gender in text
After watching episode 1 of the television series 'mad men', We can see that gender was portrayed as polar opposites in the 1960's (The time era of when it was set). Men had authority and power, and women were objects and the entertainment for the men. The clip that we watched showed how men and women treated each other. This was shown through: Camera, Sound, Editing and Mise-en-scene.

Sound was used in multiple ways, for example a bird's eye view shot was shown, which had instrumental music (1950's/1960's music style) playing (which was 'The Twenty Third Floor by David Carbonara). There was also talking in the background and people using type writers. There is more non-diegetic sounds in the women's areas then the men's areas, because women were supposed to be doing more work and typing, and the men should be doing the minimal work.
Editing was used to create different shots in the scene. (Cut, Back and forth camera shots and shot reverse shots). The shot reverse shots were used to show the dialogue between the characters.
In this scene there was only shot reverse shots between the men and none with men and women. This shows that the men have the authority and shouldn't be having long conversations with the women, because the women are only there to work, and not to chat (only there to be the entertainment for the men).

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