Title Sequence Pitch
Title Sequence Pitch
FALLEN'Its the root of all evil'
Description of title sequence:
In our title sequence we have put the main focus on an image of a tree, which is the fundamental focus of the television series. The tree possesses long roots to manifest the idea that the tree had been there for myriad years. The house, which is beyond the tree out of focus is used to show link between each of them to the owners of the house. Each leaf shown in the title sequence (That is blowing away/falling from the tree) represents the deaths that have happened, and the deaths that are yet to happen.
As the shot pans downwards to show the ends of the roots, dripping blood is shown, this again links with the plot of the drama series (The tree that kills when it looses a leaf).
The 'red' blood is used to manifest the death aspect of the show, and also to show what is killing the people (The leaves).
1. What Media Language have you used in your title sequence and how do they follow the codes and conventions of this element of a TV Drama?In our title sequence we have used myriad shots, for each of the 'scenes', for example Shallow focusing on the tree, Camera panning down over the roots, Tracking shot over the leaves in the pool of blood, Zooming into the leaves to reveal the directors, cast etc...
2. What genre is your TV Drama and how is that made clear in your title sequence?
Our TV Drama is a horror/mystery genre. This is shown by the creepy dying tree in the opening scene of the title sequence, and is also showed with the blood that is dripping from the tree roots. The title sequence describes the
3. When in your episode will your title sequence occur and why?
Our title sequence will occur after one scene of the episode. This is because we want to set the scene and show a dramatic beginning to the show, so the viewer will want to keep watching and be drawn into it.
4. How does the mise en scene of your title sequence suit the chosen genre, setting, era and the narrative of your programme?
The mise en scene of our title sequence suits the genre of our TV Drama, as the house in the background is vintage/old fashioned, so leaves the impression that the house has been there for a long period of time. The tree has also been there as long as the house, due to it's long roots (That are shown in the title sequence). The setting is in a small town, the house is distant from other homes.
5. Who would be the target audience of your programand what will appeal to them about your TV Drama idea? How is this communicated in the title sequence?
The target audience for the show would be 15-30 year old's. This is because the drama may be inappropriate for younger children due to the death and horror aspect of the show.
6. What TV Dramas did you refer to for inspiration for your own original idea?
We created the idea for our television drama by looking at other dramas like: Stranger Things and The Walking Dead. We did this to get the horror and supernatural /mystery genre for our television drama.
7. If you were asked to complete a textual analysis of your title sequence, how would you comment on the director's use of camerawork, editing, sound and mise en scene?
The directors would use a shallow focus on the tree to show the importance of it in the TV series. There would be a tracking shot following the leaves, this will show the journey of them. There would be 1960's style instrumental music playing in the background of the title sequence, which will indicate the time period it was set in, it will also create an eerie atmosphere. The house is out of focus to show that the tree is the key feature in the opening shot. The house also looks old, which again symbolises that the tree had been there for a long time.
8. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your title sequence?
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