The impact of technological change on newspapers.

The impact of technological change on newspapers.

The Independent Newspaper:
The paywall is being used in an attempt to protect revenue and profits for these companies.The Independent has a subscription, where you can subscribe to get more stories and more information on stories. This means that the customers will have to pay look at certain stories. By doing this they will have the opportunity to get profit for the online paper, so they will not loose revenue. 
Newspapers prompt readers to interact with their online news by using social media (for example: Facebook and Twitter) to promote the online edition. This then gives them more potential customers, this therefore means that more people will want to buy the subscription for the newspaper to get access to the other online stories.
The Independent is now an online newspaper, it has done this so that the audience are now active. Videos can now be uploaded by the audience, so all of the audience can be involved with the news etc..   


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