Jungle book questions
1) they promoted it using social media platforms like snapchat, which had a filter that potential audiences could use and share with their friends. Competitions were ran and the jungle book themed prizes were advertised. The film also had a Super Bowl ad placement and a 3D preview in auditoria before the Star Wars movie. 2) social media was vital to the JB becoming a good film. Traditional methods like ‘word of mouth’ was used to advertise the film. Without social media the film would not have been as widely marketed as it was. 3) 42 percent of the film's domestic sales came from 3-D and premium-format screens. The film was released in the Dolby Vision format in Dolby Cinema in the United States, and is the first film to be released in Dolby Vision 3D (in a few select theatres in New York City and Chicago). The fact that Disney is a big company allowed for the film to be shown in multiple ways as it was sure ...
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