Title Sequence Pitch
Title Sequence Pitch FALLEN 'Its the root of all evil' Description of title sequence: In our title sequence we have put the main focus on an image of a tree, which is the fundamental focus of the television series. The tree possesses long roots to manifest the idea that the tree had been there for myriad years. The house, which is beyond the tree out of focus is used to show link between each of them to the owners of the house. Each leaf shown in the title sequence (That is blowing away/falling from the tree) represents the deaths that have happened, and the deaths that are yet to happen. As the shot pans downwards to show the ends of the roots, dripping blood is shown, this again links with the plot of the drama series (The tree that kills when it looses a leaf). The 'red' blood is used to manifest the death aspect of the show, and also to show what is killing the people (The leaves). Evaluation: 1. What Media Language have you used in your tit...