Jungle book questions

Image result for jungle book

1) they promoted it using social media platforms like snapchat, which had a filter that potential audiences could use and share with their friends. Competitions were ran and the jungle book themed prizes were advertised. The film also had a Super Bowl ad placement and a 3D preview in auditoria before the Star Wars movie.

2) social media was vital to the JB becoming a good film. Traditional methods like ‘word of mouth’ was used to advertise the film. Without social media the film would not have been as widely marketed as it was.

3) 42 percent of the film's domestic sales came from 3-D and premium-format screens. The film was released in the Dolby Vision format in Dolby Cinema in the United States, and is the first film to be released in Dolby Vision 3D (in a few select theatres in New York City and Chicago). The fact that Disney is a big company allowed for the film to be shown in multiple ways as it was sure to do well at the box office. 

4) A Disney fan convention in Anaheim, California, and showed sneak-peek footage from his film. He presented with three “Jungle Book” stars on stage, including Neel Sethi, who plays the man-cub Mowgli. Thousands of movie posters were handed out. Disney also had things such as sand sculptures and even a theme park exhibition made for the film which exposed more people to the film and broadened the audience.

5) Intellectual property (or IP) is a mental creation that has value to a business.Copyrights are used to protect an original creation which is put in tangible form, like a printed book or e-book, a painting, a printed photograph or a negative, or a play script. Works which can be copyrighted include books, articles, works of art, fabric works, sculpture, photographs, poems, plays, dances, musical compositions, television and radio broadcasts, computer software, and industrial designs. You can also copyright original work on a website, but domain names cannot be copyrighted. trademark is a word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination which is used or intended to be used to identify and distinguish the goods or products of one company from those of others.

6) he wanted to be closer to the original book, as Disney’s approach was for a child audience. Whereas the 2016 remake was darker.

7) The 1967 film didn't use much technology for the production process so was able to make the film all in house, which differs to the 2016 film because the fact that the whole film was animated, it was impossible for the film to be made fully in house.

8) The actor is put in a blue set that may have moving components, like for the Jungle Book there was a moving forest floor for Mowgli to walk upon. If there are any CGI characters in the same scene, they will be made by having crew members dressed in the blue so that they can be edited out, and they will have sensors on them so that when the animators are making the crew members into animals, they will have a realistic sense of movement.

9)Both the films used cel animation, the 1967 film was made purely out of cel animation, but the 2016 film was animated, yet had cel animation in the opening scene of the film. The songwriters the Sherman Brothers wrote the songs for the 1967 film, and one of the Sherman Brothers also worked on the 2016 film.


  1. Good Olivia, it is clear you have conducted your own research. Just ensure that for Question 8 you use the correct terminology (e.g.: motion capture) and explain its effect on the film's marketing strategy.
    - Also, this was slightly hard to read. Ensure you Preview it before you post.


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